Greetings fellow MSU bloggers! My name is Ginger and this is my second online class through MSU.
I have been a high school science teacher for 18 years at the time of this writing and have taught nearly everything under the sun! Currently I primarily teach Chemistry, AP Biology, and occasionally some other science class like Earth Science. I am currently in a transition period as I am switching this year to the high school where my own children attend. With this switch comes many changes, so what better time to start off with a new blog. I have used other sites to have students share, present, and discuss science projects, topics, etc. on the web but never had an official blog where I write just for the sake of writing.
So here's a little more info about me...I am an avid xc skier and I was the ski coach at my last school. For my ski team, I kept maintained a team blog & website to communicate race results, practices schedules, and upcoming events. I am also an equestrian and have a horse ranch where I give riding lessons, and breed Pintabian horses. For my equestrian business I also maintain a website but no blog. In my spare time I teach school, ha! No really, I am first and foremost a science teacher! I maintain a wiki page for my science students primarily for student projects and communicating about assignments. I'm not a chatty, verbose type of person, usually I just cut straight to the point and state my case, whatever it may be, so maintaining a blog will definitely be a challenge for me!
I hope to use this blog to communicate with my students and others about interesting science topics and use it as a forum for them to share information about their science symposium research projects, questions about homework topics, hold class discussions, share lab data and who knows what else!