Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Embedding Glogster attempt #1

After reading a post by Glogster poster embedded, I decided to see if I could get it to work. At the bottom of the Glogster poster there are a couple of choices listed (see here: http://screencast.com/t/NmE1NTAw)... (posted using Screencast), aha!
Anyway, I simply clicked "embed to webpage" then clicked the copy button and then pasted it here in my blog. Hopefully this works and you can now see my Glogster poster in this post.


  1. The poster is here! Its just really big. I was reading what others said about changing the size somewhere within the embedded code - I haven't messed with it yet....If you are brave and figure it out let us know! ;)

  2. It is really big, and covers your gadgets on the right. But this is progress! Thanks for sharing the info.

  3. Thanks! I got mine embedded now. I initially just embedded the link. I am still working on the size issue too,,,but it's kinda cool like this!

  4. When you are in your blog there is an html tab that will allow you to edit the size by number of pixels. Look for the width and height in two locations and try reducing them both to about 50% of the number of pixels that they are at first. That will keep them in proportion.

  5. I tried this way of reducing the size of the Glog, but it just cut off half the poster. Has anyone figured this out yet?
