Friday, July 30, 2010
Final Project, Part 2 - The Prezi
This will be posted to my blog at Lathrop Science when I am ready to introduce this unit.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Desire 2 Learn, Group 3 Discussion
I have been in this since the beginning, at a time where I had to bring a computer from my house just to keep an electronic gradebook. But by the time I left my schoo this year, I had 30 laptops and several desktops available for use right in my own classroom and a slew of other instruments available to implementation of 21st century learning. Upon moving to a new school, I am once again starting the year out with minimal access. So I have my work cut out for me and plan to do all that I can to make it work.
Guiding Principles Revisited
"My guiding principles for technology have always been to give students access to information and tools for doing science. I also want them to be able to develop skills in using technology tools for the workplace. I view my role as their teacher to inspire them to pursue their interests, to nurture their natural curiosity, to guide them in achieving their educational goals, and to act as a mentor in developing science skills and knowledge. Technology is an avenue for achieving these goals. I also use technology to give my students more immediate feedback by providing instantaneous test results, online discussions, access to information regarding my class via my class wiki. Finally, I want to encourage my students to be able to collaborate without them having to leave their home, and to interact with each other as well as others in the global classroom to create, discuss, and share information"
Upon re-reading my initial post I would say that these still hold true for me. However, I have a new awareness of so many new forms of technology that are available that I realize I was not keeping up with what was out there! I plan to incorporate many of these into my teaching this year and plan to keep abreast, as much as possible, of the new technology as it becomes available. Also, I realized that I could use these various tools to teach in a completely different way. My goal is to do more science that involves discussions, creating, and sharing. Also, to incorporate professionals into our classroom via the internet and bring my students into the live science community. Additionally, I plan to urge the administration at my new school to also keep up with the technology by providing access for our 21st century learners. I want to be a forerunner in this effort to modernize and plan to share what I've learned through this class in an inservice this Fall.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Final Project.... phewww!
I was able to add Google calendars to each class page that I can use to post assignments, due dates, etc. etc. My students first task will be to learn how to use the blog via the Tips for Blogging Success page. As for their first science related task, I have made an Ecology Voicethread for my AP Bio students to use for the introduction to their Ecology unit. For Chemistry, I am started with a task involving the Periodic Chart but haven't yet got that fully worked out. Additionally, I am still working on a Prezi for my AP Bio as well but I am not quite finished with it. That is soon to come!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Adding an Image to the Blog Sidebar
Yay! It worked! Look! I posted my pic in the sidebar. Neat little trick that could come in very handy!
Good Example of How to Use a Blog
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Vimeo Science Videos
The Science Catalyst Live Show:Grade 12 Chemistry from The Science Catalyst on Vimeo.
This one is of an "chemistry" class in middle school in Poland. They are not speaking English so unless you speak Polish you won't be able to understand exactly what they're saying however, the video pretty much speaks for itself. The chemistry they're doing in middle school over there looks way different from the typical middle school in the U.S. These kids look like little professional chemists. The demo they did was very cool!
"Chemistry After Lessons" - Middle School in Cieszyn, Poland from Palo Palacz on Vimeo.
My Photosynthesis Wordle
Hyperlinking Words in a Blog Post
If you are using Blogger, this is how it works...
When you are typing up your blog post, there is a little button at the top of your post window in the menu choices that looks like a chain link. Click on that and then past the URL for the website you want to it to hyperlink to for those words.
See here:

Good luck!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Prezi is ImPREZZive
PhotoPeach - too cute!
Scenes of Summer in Alaska on PhotoPeach
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Classroom Blogs
Upon further browsing, the following were helpful to me the "Do's and Donts of Wikis 2" and Eric's Slideshare on the effects on student learning of using a classroom blog in science teaching: Shiny Objects, Classroom Practice and Professional Growth. I'm really excited about incorporating all of these really effective teaching tools, but at the same time it is daunting to think about all the time required to build them for integration and use. Our time for experimentation with them in lesson planning and preparation is so short!
File Conversions & Video
1. How does this work? Is this site safe/secure?
2. Is anything else being downloaded to my computer along with the video?
3. What file format should I use?
Thanks for any help/info you can provide.
Oh yeah, it also had an embed code link. So here's the video I downloaded.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
AK Forest Health Issues - Generate An Argument Activity
Climate related forest health problems linked to warmer and drier conditions have been well documented in
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Create a Graph
I tried to upload a link to a simple little bar graph I made of the types of trees I have in my backyard but couldn't get it to go. I'll try later and post it later if I can get it to work.
...5 minutes later, my graph finally loads and I am attempting to post it into my blog.

Reflection - Using online Data
Here are a few other resources that I've used in the past.
Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO), the CIA World Factbook, the Alaska Climate Research Center, to name a few.
I explored the I Teach STEM site on wetpaint, which had a lot of good resources for specific subject matter. However, the lack of an index to find the type of site I need for a specific topic would make it a more difficult resource to use.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Voicethread & Jing

Thursday, July 1, 2010
Digital Video
Okay, so I was able to get the video uploaded, which took around 5 minutes to load. But for some reason, there's no sound.