Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Prezi is ImPREZZive

All I can say is "WOW!" I was amazed when I saw the Prezi on how Prezi can be used as a teaching tool! This is a tool I dig! I am so excited to make one of my own. I'm thinking of doing one for my project along with creating a class wiki/blog for my AP Bio and Chem class. Not sure though which topic I'll focus on just yet for the Prezi. I'm thinking maybe something like a Negative Feedback pathway or maybe the comparisons of invertebrate anatomy. As for the wiki/blog, I'm wondering if I should have just one wiki per subject/class or if they should be separate. I'm not sure how to organize it. Any thoughts? Here is a cool little Prezi timeline showing the history of the events leading to the discovery of DNA.


  1. Wow. Prezi looks pretty cool. It definitely made me a bit dizzy to watch the presentation, though! Thanks for sharing!

  2. That's amazing! I need to go check this site out. As for whether to share of divide up the wiki, I'm wondering the same thing. My thought right now is to give each course their own, it would keep things a little more streamline and easier to manage and grade.
